To make a portal to the underworld you will need:
- 18 obsidian (to make portal frame)
- Flint and steel (to make fire)
Here is how you make the portal:
“O” stands for – obsidian
“F” stands for – fire (put fire in the places with “F”)
Another way to save four pieces of obsidian when you build your portal is to not put the obsidian in the corners; the portal will still turn purple after the fire. If I were you I would put dirt in the corners for the time being, this will enable you to put the obsidian. Then when you finish your frame you can destroy the dirt. This is what some players will do to save four obsidian.
O | O | O | O |
O |
| O |
O |
| O |
O | F | F | O |
O | O | O | O |
After that, in the portal a purple color takes over inside the frame. That is how you enter. To enter you jump on to the obsidian and stand in the purple for a few seconds, then your screen becomes swirly purple color and you get loaded into the Nethers. The Nethers is basically an underworld. The Nethers consists of two new blocks and two new monsters. Be careful though, the monsters are tough!